PKB Claims Election Schedule And Regional Head Elections To Be Concurrently Held February 15, 2024, Advanced Stages To September

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the National Awakening Party (PKB) DPP Jazilul Fawaid admitted to hearing news about the agreement between the government and Commission II of the DPR regarding the schedule for the 2024 General Election and Regional Head Election.

As is known, the schedule for the 2024 General Election is still being debated where the government wants 15 May and the General Elections Commission (KPU) proposes 21 February.

"It has been said that the government has agreed with Commission II," said Jazilul at the DPR building, Wednesday, December 8.

Gus Jazil, as he is known, leaked the information he received that the 2024 General Election had agreed to be held on February 15. Meanwhile, the schedule for the regional head elections, which was previously planned for November 2024, has been moved up two months to September.

"It (the election, ed) was agreed in February 2024, February 15. The pilkada stage was moved forward, initially from November to September. I heard that," he said.

The Deputy Chairperson of the MPR hopes that the agreement can be brought to a working meeting as soon as possible between Commission II of the DPR, the government, and election organizers, including the KPU and Bawaslu.

"Hopefully it can be cleared soon so that KPU organizers can prepare for that, don't delay it," said Gus Jazil.