Members Of The South Tangerang Police Sabhara Were Beaten When They Wanted To Disperse The Illegal Racing At Pondok Indah

JAKARTA – It was reported that the IL Brigadier had been abused by a group of men in the Pondok Indah area, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta. According to the information received, at that time the IL Brigadier wanted to disperse the illegal racing, precisely near the Pondok Indah roundabout.

The incident against the IL Brigadier occurred at around 02.30 WIB. At that time, IL with his wife was crossing the Pondok Indah area.

The IL Brigadier is also known to be a member of the South Tangerang Police Sabhara. This was known after reporters confirmed to the Head of Sabhara Polres South Tangerang AKP Enung Holis.

"Yes, that's right. I haven't gone into details yet because I haven't found the person. He was also contacted with a dead cell phone," Enung said when confirmed by reporters, Tuesday, December 7.

Until now, the South Tangerang Police are still conducting cross-checks against the IL Brigadier for the incident he experienced.

"Not until hospitalized. I can walk again," said Enung.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Azis Andriansyah confirmed the incident.

"We are pursuing the perpetrators," he said when contacted.