Through Yuni's Film, Arawinda Kirana Hopes Sexual Education For Teens Is More Attention

JAKARTA - As a teenager growing up, actress Arawinda Kirana feels the need to get proper sexual education. Because it is often considered taboo, many teenagers are misguided. This is one of the issues shown in Yuni's film, which he starred in.

“I saw a lot of women like in Yuni's film. 21 year old women whose children are 4 years old, it means that they have children when they are 16 years old. It's been troubling for me from the start," said the 20-year-old actress.

Directed by Kamila Andini, Yuni tells the story of a bright teenager named Yuni who has a dream to continue her education to university level. But he is faced with a choice, between fulfilling his social will to get married at a young age or continuing to pursue his dream.

Arawinda also admitted that he did not hesitate when playing taboo scenes because according to him it was part of what Yuni's film wanted to voice.

"I myself am actually quite brave to voice whatever needs to be said, important issues that might be considered taboo, because if it wasn't me, who else would it be," he said.

"Sexual education for teenagers is also necessary, hopefully it can be more correct. Hopefully it can help voice those who can't speak," he added

The totality of Arawinda is done to represent the liberation and release of Yuni's character from the demands of forced matchmaking, not merely showing sexuality without meaning or with negative connotations.

"If for example I played a scene like that but the meaning was not as good as in this film, or it was meaningless, or not substantive, I would not choose it," he said.

Thanks to this film, Arawinda won the Snow Leopard award in the best actress category at the 2021 Asian World Film Festival and the Citra Cup for the best female lead category.

For Arawinda, the award has become a milestone in her career and life. The award, he said, challenged him to keep learning and not stop being satisfied at one point.

"With all these awards, I feel happy for this film because it means a lot of people are watching and hearing our voices," added Arawinda Kirana.