2,616 Bogor Residents HIV/AIDS Positive, Dominated By Productive Age

CIBINONG - The Bogor Regency Health Office (Dinkes), West Java recorded the number of HIV/AIDS cases in its area reached 2,616 cases by the end of September 2021.

"Cumulatively the number reached 2,616 people. For 2020 we found 398 cases, while from 2021 to September there were 374 cases," said Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Bogor District Health Office, Adang Mulyana in Cibinong, Bogor, Monday, December 6th.

According to him, based on an analysis of HIV/AIDS transmission in the Bogor Regency area, the cases were dominated by people of productive age, namely the age range of 25 years to 49 years.

Adang said, there needs to be a joint effort to minimize cases of HIV/AIDS transmission, as has been done by the Bogor District Health Office, namely taking several preventive steps.

According to Adang, several preventive measures include screening at-risk populations, such as pregnant women, tuberculosis patients, sexually transmitted infection (STI) patients, and key populations or community groups that are vulnerable to HIV/AIDS transmission.

Then, providing contraceptives in the form of condoms to women commercial sex workers, also giving sterile syringes to communities of injecting drug users or IDUs as a persuasive step.

"We also carry out counseling in schools related to HIV, cross-sectoral meetings by the AIDS Management Commission (KPA) and screening of prisoners in prison. Then spread education and information to the community," said Adang. conduct socialization in order to achieve the target of ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030.

According to him, the key to minimizing the transmission is to strengthen collaboration between institutions.

"This collaboration must be carried out with all parties including the central government, regional governments, the private sector and the entire community, so that future prevention and control efforts can be completed and the target of ending HIV/AIDS in 2030 is achieved," he said.