DPR Approves 40 Bills To Be Included In The 2022 Priority National Legislation Program, Job Creation Is Included In The Open Cumulative Bill

JAKARTA - The Working Committee Meeting (Panja) of the Priority 2022 National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) agreed that 40 draft laws (RUU) will be included in the 2022 Prolegnas.

The Panja meeting also agreed on the Prolegnas for the 2020-2024 Third Amendment Bill as many as 254 Bills. In addition, it also includes one bill in the list of Open Cumulative Bills, namely the Draft Law on Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation.

"The Working Committee has agreed that as many as 40 bills are included in the 2022 Priority Prolegnas", said Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Body of the House of Representatives, Willy Aditya, Monday, December 6.

Willy explained that in the 2022 Priority Prolegnas many bills are carried out or carried over from the 2021 Priority Prolegnas. Therefore, according to him, the 2022 Priority Prolegnas do not change much compared to the 2021 Prolegnas.

Meanwhile, Willy said, the Constitutional Court's (MK) decision placed the Open Cumulative Bill to be discussed.

"In the Panja meeting that was proposed by the factions, the government and the Indonesian Regional Representative Council were accommodated on a 'long list'. There are only six new bills in the 2022 Prolegnas", explained the NasDem politician.

Willy added that the Working Committee Meeting decision will be brought to the Legislation Body of Working Meeting with the government and Indonesian Regional Representative Council on Monday night for Level I decision making.

"After this, it will be brought to the House of Representatives Legislation Body of Working Meeting (Raker) with the Government and Indonesian Regional Representative Council on Monday night", he said.

The following are 40 bills that are included in the 2022 Priority Prolegnas, including:

1. Bill on the Second Amendment to Law Number 32 of 2002 concerning Broadcasting.

2. Bill on Amendments to Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus

3. Bill on Amendments to Law Number 16 of 2004 concerning the Prosecutor

4. Bill on Amendments to Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems

5. Bill on the Second Amendment to Law Number 38 of 2004 concerning Roads

6. Bill on Amendments to Law Number 19 of 2003 concerning State-Owned Enterprises

7. Bill on New and Renewable Energy

8. Bill on Amendments to Law Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management

9. Bill on Drug and Food Control.

10. Bill on Psychological Practice

11. Bill on Amendments to Law Number 3 of 2005 concerning the National Sports System

12. Bill on Reform of Financial Sector Development and Strengthening

13. Bill on Amendments to Law Number 20 of 2013 concerning Medical Education.

14. Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence.

15. Bill on the Prohibition of Alcoholic Drinks.

16. Bill on Protection of Domestic Workers

17. Bill on the Establishment of the Riau Islands High Court, West Sulawesi High Court, North Kalimantan High Court, and West Papua High Court

18. Bill on the Establishment of the Palembang State Administrative High Court, the Banjarmasin State Administrative High Court, and the Manado State Administrative High Court

19. Bill concerning the Establishment of the Riau Islands Religious High Court, the Bali Religious High Court, the West Sulawesi Religious High Court, the North Kalimantan Religious High Court, and the West Papua Religious High Court

20. Bill on Chemicals

21. Bill on the Implementation of the Rights and Obligations of Members of the House of Representatives RI

22. Bill on Amendments to Law No.23 of 2019 concerning Management of National Resources for National Defense

23. Bill on the Second Amendment to Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Legislation

24. Bill on Indigenous Peoples

25. Bill on Protection of Religious Figures and Religious Symbols

26. Bill on Maternal and Child Welfare

27. Bill on Protection of Personal Data

28. Bill on the Second Amendment to Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions

29. Bill on the Criminal Code

30. Bill on Amendments to Law Number 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections

31. Bill on Civil Procedure Code

32. Bill on Amendments to Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics

33. Bill on National Capital

34. Bill on Amendments to Law Number 1 of 1973 concerning the Indonesian Continental Shelf (RUU on the Continental Shelf)

35. Bill on Amendments to Law Number 33 of 2004 concerning Financial Balance between the Central Government and Regional Governments (RUU on Financial Relations between Central and Regional Governments)

36. Bill on Outbreaks (in Prolegnas 2020-2024 it is written: Bill on Amendments to Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases)

37. Bill on the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency

38. Bill on Industrial Design (in Prolegnas 2020-2024, it is written: Bill on Amendment to Law Number 31 of 2000 concerning Industrial Design)

39. Bill on Archipelago Region

40. Bill on Village-Owned Enterprises