Mobile Brigade And Tracking Dogs Deployed To Comb Areas Affected By Mount Semeru Eruption

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has deployed 1,117 Brimob personnel to assist the process of handling the natural disaster of Mount Semeru's eruption. The deployment of these personnel to speed up recovery from various sides.

"The National Police Chief yesterday ordered to prepare 1,117 Brimob personnel from Kelapa Dua, then from the East Java, Central Java and West Java Regional Police to prepare to assist the evacuation process, social assistance process, as well as the rehabilitation process in Lumajang Regency", said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, to journalists, Monday, December 6th.

Not only Brimob personnel, said Dedi, the Police also deployed K-9 units. The goal is to find victims who have not been found so far

"We also dispatched K-9 with 6 sniffer dogs which we will use with 12 handlers", said Dedi.

"Today, he was dispatched to Lumajang to take a sniff because it is suspected that there are still some victims who have not been found at the location in Lumajang", continued Dedi.

Then, the Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team from Bhayangkara Hospital will also be dispatched. They will assist the process of accelerating the identification of victims.

"This has been our focus in recent days", he said.

Mount Semeru, which reaches a height of 3,676 meters above sea level, erupted with hot clouds and rain of volcanic ash, Saturday, December 4.

As a result of the eruption, more than 50 residents were burned, dozens died, thousands of houses were damaged, and dozens of electrical installations were disrupted.