Facebook, Google And Twitter Unite To Prevent Hoaxes Ahead Of The 2020 US Election

JAKARTA - In the run-up to the 2020 presidential election in November in the United States (US), technology giants such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter are working together to ward off hoaxes, false information and hate speech on their platforms.

Later this giant of technology and social media will be connected to filter hoax news and false information that is spread by the public online. The coalition will also work with government agencies such as the FBI and the US Department of State to minimize cyber threats.

This collaboration will also be followed by other social platforms, such as LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Verizon Media and the Wikimedia Foundation. They will all work together to deliver healthy information on social media at this year's US elections.

"In preparation for the upcoming elections, we regularly meet to discuss trends with the US government agency charged with protecting the integrity of elections," said a spokesman for the coalition as quoted by the New York Times, Thursday, August 13.

As is well known, social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter have become fertile ground for the spread of misinformation. They also continue to strive to moderate content to combat the spread of false information or hoaxes.

"Over the last few years, we have worked together to fight misinformation across our platforms," he continued.

Over the past four years, following the fallout from the Cambridge Analytica scandal as well as reports that Russia intervened in the 2016 election. Anticipating a repeat of similar cases, the tech giants have agreed to combat hoaxes and misinformation on their respective platforms.

Twitter is a fairly assertive platform in combating misinformation content. Where the microbloggin network will no longer present political advertisements on its platform.

Likewise, Facebook and Instagram recently announced that the two platforms will give users the option to block political ads from appearing on their feeds.