The Prosecutor's Office Bill: Minimum Age Requirement To Become A Prosecutor Is 23 Years Old, 2 Years Younger Than The Previous Regulation
JAKARTA - The head of the working committee (Panja), Adies Kadir, said that there had been an agreement on the minimum age requirements for being appointed as prosecutors of 23 years and a maximum of 30 years.
"The Panja agreed to change the requirements to become a prosecutor with a minimum age of 23 years and a maximum of 30 years in Article 9 of the Draft Law (RUU) on Amendments to Law Number 16 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian Prosecutor's Office", said Adies at the House of Representatives Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, December 6 quoted from Antara.
The minimum age requirement is lower than in Law no. 16/2004 concerning the Attorney General's Office Article 9 which states that the minimum age to be appointed as a prosecutor is 25 years and the maximum age is 35 years.
Adies submitted the report in a Working Meeting with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, the Ministry of Finance, and the Attorney General regarding Level I decision-making on the Bill on the Prosecutor's Office.
Adies explained that the reason for the change in age was to adapt to the shift in the world of education, which is getting faster and easier, in completing undergraduate education as well as providing career opportunities.
In addition, in Article 9A, said Adies, there is an affirmation of a special education institution for the Prosecutor's Office or the establishment of a special education institution for the Prosecutor's Office to strengthen and professionalize the HRD of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office.
The Draft Law (RUU) for Amendments to Law Number 16 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian Prosecutor's Office is a joint bill proposed by the government and the House of Representatives which is included in the 2021 Priority Prolegnas.
Meanwhile, Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Bambang Wuryanto, said that the Committee III of the Working Committee had held a working meeting with the government. During the meeting, the government provided 379 problem inventory lists (DIM).
Bambang detailed the DIM from the Prosecutor's Bill, namely 166 DIM are permanent, 65 DIM are changed in substance, 74 DIM are editorial changes, 76 DIM are deleted.