The Price Of Cayenne Pepper In West Kalimantan Is Crazy, 1Kg Goes Through Rp120,000

PONTIANAK - The price of cayenne pepper in West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) is currently starting to creep up, such as at Pasar Flamboyan, Pontianak City, reaching Rp120,000 per kilogram.

"The new cayenne pepper is Rp120,000 per kilogram, which is slightly wilted at Rp90,000 per kilogram. Meanwhile, the price for dry chili is Rp50,000 per kilogram and curly chili is Rp40,000 per kilogram," said Biebi, one of the sellers. chili at the Flamboyan Market, Pontianak, Sunday, December 5.

He explained that the increase in chili could be triggered by several things, such as high demand, but less supply from farmers and other things.

"The normal price of chili starts at Rp35,000 per kilogram, but now it has reached Rp120,000 per kilogram," he explained.

The rising price of chili makes people complain about this, because chili is popular with the people, especially in West Kalimantan, to add flavor to food.

"Usually I often use chili to make chili sauce as a flavor enhancer, but because of this increase I have reduced it somewhat, because the price is expensive," said Marlina, a resident in Pontianak.

Meanwhile, the Head of the West Kalimantan Food Security Service, Heronimus Hero, said that the increase in chili prices was also influenced by floods that occurred in several areas.

"When it comes to price increases, it also makes a lot of sense because supply is reduced due to flooding and the law of the market also applies in such cases," he said.

He added that the rising price of chili is usually chili that still has good quality and is fresh.

"But for that, we will monitor and make efforts to keep chili prices under control, starting from supply and prices at the consumer level," said Heronimus.