KKB Leader Of Lamek Taplo Allegedly Perpetrator Of Burning SMAN 1 Oksibil, Called To Lure Officials

JAYAPURA - The Head of the Bintang Mountains Police AKBP Cahyo Sukarnito suspects that the perpetrators of the burning of the SMAN 1 Oksibil building, Sunday, December 5, were carried out by members of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) led by Lamek Taplo.

According to Cahyo, there was indeed a video circulating on social media stating that the perpetrators of the arson were members of the KKB.

In the video, they stated that they were responsible for the burning of the SMAN1 Oksibil building and threatened to continue their actions, Cahyo said, Sunday.

When contacted from Jayapura, Cahyo stated that when joint forces visited the crime scene (TKP) and conducted an investigation, they found a five-liter jerry can containing pertalite type fuel oil (BBM) which was suspected to have set fire to other buildings. consists of three classrooms along with a teacher's room and office, said Cahyo, adding that the school has 11 units of buildings made entirely of wood.

From the results of the crime scene inspection, it is suspected that the burning building was deliberately set on fire to lure the security forces, because there were footprints around the location.

"We suspect that the perpetrators were deliberately fishing and if the security forces immediately responded, they would shoot from a height," said AKBP Cahyo.