Magnitude of 5.3 Earthquake Was Felt By Residents Of Jayapura City, There Were No Reports Of Panic Caused By The Shaking

JAKARTA – An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 occurred on Sunday, December at 08.10 WIB. The shaking was felt by residents of Jayapura City, Papua Province. So far there have been no reports of casualties or damage from the earthquake.

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Jayapura City informed that the residents felt the shock was moderate. The shaking lasts about 2 to 3 seconds. There were no reports of panic from residents due to the earthquake this morning.

"According to BPBD, the earthquake did not trigger a tsunami", said Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center, Abdul Muhari, in an official statement, Sunday, December 5.

Meanwhile, the earthquake parameters were 87 km northwest of Jayapura with a depth of 10 km. Based on the analysis with the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale, the strength of the shocks in Jayapura is II – III MMI and Sentani II MMI.

Meanwhile, in the InaRISK analysis, Jayapura City has a moderate to high earthquake hazard potential. 5 sub-districts are in this potential, including Muara Tami, Abepura, Heram, South Jayapura, and North Jayapura.

Responding to the earthquake phenomenon, residents are expected to remain alert and alert to the potential dangers caused. BNPB urges residents to have disaster preparedness plans, such as identifying the condition of residential buildings, evacuation plans to gather points, emergency contacts, or disaster preparedness bags.