Tangerang Regency Government Alerts Health Facilities To Face Omicron

JAKARTA - The Tangerang Regency Government has alerted a number of health facilities ranging from hospitals to centralized isolation areas to deal with COVID-19 variant B.1.1.529 or Omicron from Africa which has been identified in several countries in Asia.

"We have alerted hospitals in Tangerang Regency long before. We have not allowed 1,300 special rooms to the public, nor have we prepared a centralized isolation area," said Tangerang Regency's spokesman for COVID-19 Management and Management, Hendra. Tarmizi in Tangerang, Saturday 4 December.

He said that the Tangerang Regency Government has now been asked by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia to increase awareness of the new variant of the virus. So that his party immediately prepares the infrastructure for health needs and the availability of medicines.

"So, according to the instructions from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, we must be vigilant and always coordinate with the COVID-19 Task Force if there are suspicious findings," he said.

In addition, in preparedness to anticipate the potential entry of the Omicron variant, the Tangerang Regency Government will also reactivate the COVID-19 Task Force at the level of the community unit (RW) and neighborhood unit (RT), so that it can be detected quickly if the virus appears.

"The task force in our RT/RW is reactivated, so that later if there are residents from outside, they can be quickly reported and handled," he said.

He said that so far in the Tangerang Regency area, they have not found any residents affected by the variant B.1.1.529 or Omicron from Africa.

"So far, we don't have one, it's just that yesterday someone returned from Turkey after being tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently undergoing isolation," he said.

Nevertheless, he appealed to the public not to be careless in implementing the 5M health protocol in every activity, such as continuing to wear masks, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds, always washing hands with running water, and reducing mobility.

Including, complying with government policies so as not to travel during the long Christmas and New Year 2022 holidays.

"The public must continue to follow the 5M health protocol, and obey government policies related to PPKM. Because this is to protect us from exposure to the COVID-19 virus or new variant viruses such as Omicron, which are equally dangerous," he said.