Two Years Of Falsifying Pre-Employment Cards, Four Men In Bandung Disadvantage The State Rp18 Billion

JAKARTA – A syndicate of pre-employment card counterfeiters has been arrested by the Special Criminal Investigation Unit (Krimsus) of the West Java Police. It is known, this syndicate has cost the state up to Rp18 billion.

The four pre-employment card counterfeiters were arrested at a hotel in Bandung. They are AP, AE, RW, and WG.

"They made a fictitious Pre-Employment Card with a total profit of Rp18 billion," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the West Java Police, Grand Commissioner Pol. Arief Rachman, at the West Java Police, Saturday, December 4.

Arief said the disclosure began with information on the leakage of population data that was misused by being traded illegally. Then the Ditreskrimsus investigator, according to him, carried out an investigation with a cyber patrol.

In addition, investigators also found clues that the action was the work of a syndicate and not an individual. Investigators then found clues from the Pre-Employment Card of the hacked data. The perpetrators are suspected of breaking into population data in the Population and Civil Registration Offices (Disdukcapil) in various regions.

According to him, the counterfeiting of the Pre-Employment Card has been carried out since 2019.

"They are suspected of illegally accessing the population database (database) used to make a fictitious Pre-Employment Card which is a government program for the National Economic Recovery (PEN)," he said.

Now the four perpetrators and their evidence have been secured at the West Java Regional Police to be questioned for their actions.

The police are still conducting an in-depth investigation to determine the articles that will be charged with the four perpetrators.