The Implementation Of Umrah Is Still Constrained By An Unreadable E-visa

JAKARTA - Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Jeddah Eko Hartono said that the implementation of Umrah for prospective pilgrims from Indonesia was still hampered by electronic visas (e-visas) which until now have not been read by the system developed by Saudi Arabia. Even though it has been opened by Saudi Arabia, friends in travel have not been able to register their congregation when they choose the vaccine," said Eko when contacted by Antara from Jakarta, Friday, December 12. Previously, the Government of Saudi Arabia developed the Tawakalna application, similar to PeduliLindungi in Indonesia. In this Tawakalna application, it cannot read vaccines from China such as Sinovac and Sinopharm, only four types of vaccines have been recognized by Saudi Arabia; Moderna, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Johnson and Johnson. The same goes for e-visa registration. The Umrah e-visa has not been integrated with the existing data in PeduliLindung, especially on the reading of vaccine certificates. This e-visa is one of the mandatory requirements to be able to perform Umrah. "Because without an e-visa they cannot go on Umrah," said Eko.

Eko explained that a few days ago the health authorities of Indonesia and Saudi Arabia had a meeting to integrate the Tawakalna and PeduliLindungi applications so that later they could issue Umrah e-visas. Saudi. Moreover, the Government of Saudi Arabia has provided relaxation for Umrah pilgrims who received the Sinovac/Sinopharm vaccine to enter the Holy Land, as long as they undergo a three-day quarantine. because without an e-visa they can't perform Umrah. Now, a solution must be found," he said.