7 Photos Of Tina Toon's Metamorphosis, Amazing From Bolo Bolo To Becoming People's Representative

JAKARTA - The 90s generation certainly remembers the figure of the child singer Tina Toon who was phenomenal with the song Bolo Bolo. Tina's head shake also made fans excited at that time. Now the owner of the name Agustina Hermanto is a member of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD Agustina Hermanto.

Even though he has now become a member of the council, the cute image he used to bear is still embedded in the public's memory, especially for his fans. Previously, Tina Toon was known to have a full body and an adorable cute face.

"Wayyy Longgg Before Pandemic ..." wrote Tina.

Little Tina Toon's appearance at that time was very iconic with a plump body but still agile. But as she grew older, Tina Toon, who was diligent in sports, succeeded in shaping her body into a slimmer body and body goals.

"Happy National Children's Day, Indonesian Children, the Next Generation of the Nation Must Be Moral, Smart and Happy when they grow up!!! #TinaToon PS: This photo fits #BoloBolo Hahahakkk Gemushhh," Tina wrote.

When she was in elementary school, Tina still had a chubby body. Tina once uploaded a photo of her birthday in 2001, Tina still looks cheerful as she is.

Tina Toon's transformation from a child singer to a beautiful representative of the people also amazed the public.

Approaching adulthood, as a teenager, Tina Toon's potential as a representative of the people has begun to emerge. He had started to have a sealed body back in high school.

In an upload on Instagram, Tina appears to be participating in the English Debate Competition. Tina proved her popularity as a singer did not make her happy. He is still learning to the fullest.

"This looks like Grade 10 or SMA 1, again an English debate competition, Dr. Jubilee School at UI... as I remember, the debate was like representing countries, I got India, then fought for each other to the United Nations or what organization to get state rights Then promotion is the point, I just remember clean water, the debate with the opponent at that time was another country, but I forgot," he explained.

Tina Toon's appearance at graduation was far from her appearance as a child singer. His body had turned into an ideal. With qualified make-up, her beauty will appear maximally.

Now, Tina Toon sits as a representative of the people of the DKI Jakarta DPRD. Not only attending meetings, Tina also often goes to the field to meet residents. Recently, he visited the location of the fire and the evacuation site, Koja, North Jakarta.

"With the number of affected souls, there are 58 families / 290 people. Met with the victims and provided some needed assistance such as underwear and consumption as well as hearing their complaints, they have also coordinated with the fire department and in essence the response time is quite good but the blackout takes a long time, " wrote Tina Toon.