Wealth Of Deputy Chairperson Of The KPK Nurul Ghufron Increases, Has 3 Boarding Houses With 70 Rooms To Fishing Ponds

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron explained about his assets which have increased since serving as chairman of the KPK.

"Responding to the news regarding the LHKPN (State Organizers Wealth Report), I first need to say thank you for your attention and I am proud of the supervision and public control that has gone well against state officials based on the LHKPN. Hopefully it will be useful for maintaining the integrity of state officials, for example in this case to me," Ghufron said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 3.

Ghufron explained that his assets are mostly land and buildings he bought from state auctions.

"Usually, for objects that have had the 3rd auction or liquidation price, the purchase price is relatively cheap. Next, I renovate and I make a house or boarding house, sometimes I resell it after renovation or sometimes I renovate it for a boarding house business," said Ghufron.

He claimed to have three boarding houses located in Jember, East Java with a total of about 70 rooms.

"During this COVID-19 period, the "income" is relatively low, but in reporting the LHKPN, I report it not only as the market price of the house, but also as a boarding house whose value can be double the purchase price," he said.

In addition, Ghufron also has a fishing pond business with an area of about 1 hectare.

"I also have a fishing pond business with an area of more than 1 hectare. For this business during the COVID-19 period, so the increase in LHKPN was more due to the adjustment of the value of assets from the acquisition period to the present when I reported it in the LHKPN," said Ghufron.

As the LHKPN announcement from the https://elhkpn.kpk.go.id page accessed Thursday (2/12), Ghufron has a total wealth of Rp. 13,489,250,570 which he reported in 2020, while the assets he reported in 2019 was Rp. 9,230,857. 661 or an increase of around Rp4.25 billion.

As for the details of his assets in 2020, Ghufron owns 13 land and buildings worth IDR 11,080,000,000, transportation equipment IDR 297,000,000, other movable assets IDR 162,769,600, securities IDR 500,000,000, cash and cash equivalents IDR 2,706,880,970, and other assets of Rp121.600.000.

However, Ghufron also reported having a debt of IDR 1,379,000,000. Thus, his total assets are Rp. 13,489,250,570.

Meanwhile, for his assets in 2019, Ghufron was recorded as having 12 parcels of land and buildings worth Rp. 8,220,000,000, transportation equipment of Rp. 472,000,000, other movable assets of Rp. 137,977,500, cash and cash equivalents of Rp. 982,880,161.

He is also noted to have debts worth Rp. 582,000,000 so that the total wealth he reported in 2019 was Rp. 9,230,857,661.