Up In Arms! Aa Gym's Call To Choose Corrupt But Muslim Leaders Instead Of Honest But Non-Muslims, Really?

JAKARTA - Laloena's Twitter account @L1zzyCrazy uploaded an old tweet in the form of a screenshot of Aa Gym's (Abdullah Gymnastiar) Twitter in 2007.

In the screenshot, Aa Gym said that it is better to choose a corrupt but Muslim leader rather than an honest but non-Muslim leader. Laloena's tweet (@L1zzyCrazy) received 58 retweets and 383 likes.

"AA gym, from old AA???" wrote the account by uploading a screenshot of Twitter reported from turnbackhoax, Thursday, December 2.

Is this really Aa Gym's tweet?

Based on the search results, Aa Gym's tweet is an old hoax that has been circulating since 2017.

Through his personal Twitter account (@aagym), Aa Gym confirmed the tweet was a hoax and not a post he made on February 10, 2017.

"This is a TWITTER HOAX, not Aa's writing, this is the writing of people who don't respect and like to slander scholars. May Allah forgive them and get guidance," wrote Aa Gym.

This hoax was also discussed in the Turn Back Hoax article entitled [HOAX] AA GYM: “It is better to choose a corrupt leader but a Muslim. Instead of a clean leader, honest but KAFIR (Non Muslim)” published on February 9, 2017.

"From the various facts above, Laloena's Twitter account (@L1zzyCrazy) is categorized as manipulated content," wrote turnbackhoax.