In Surabaya, Minister Of Home Affairs Tito Motivates The Birth Of Smart Cities In Indonesia Through ITE

JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has motivated the birth of smart cities in Indonesia through the Integrated Technology Event (ITE) or an integrated technology exhibition that will be held in Surabaya on December 1-2, 2021.

"This exhibition is a sign and motivation to immediately carry out digital transformation towards a smart city or smart city," he told reporters after the opening of the ITE exhibition at the Grand City Surabaya Ballroom, Wednesday, December 1.

According to him, smart cities have developed in the world and the Central Government is working on developing information and communication technology infrastructure.

The Minister of Home Affairs explained that smart cities with integrated information and communication technology infrastructure facilitate all matters, ranging from effective and efficient government, better public services, and improving people's quality of life.

In addition, public communication will be more intensive and public complaints will be faster by reducing physical contact, so as to reduce moral hazard, such as preventing the possibility of illegal levies and acts of corruption.

"In the future, we will continue to improve and enhance these capabilities and build awareness about the importance of information and communication technology in order to create good and clean government, better service, better quality of life for people in Indonesian cities," he said. .

The Minister of Home Affairs also acknowledged that the development of smart cities in the country still has several obstacles, one of which is related to the internet network which is still not evenly distributed and is committed to be resolved soon. changes made, such as changing people's mindsets from those who usually work as usual so that transformation is carried out.

Meanwhile, with the support of smart cities by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo, big opportunities for implementation are increasingly open, especially supporting the realization of a clean government and facilitating decision making.

"It is also necessary to change the mindset of regional leaders or officials, to provide awareness of the importance of information technology, so there is a need for the necessary training or seminars," said Tito.

On the occasion, the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Director General of Regional Administration Development at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Safrhizal AZ, and a number of regents/mayors were present.