As A Result Of Free Sex And Homosexuality, 80 People After 15-45 Years In Aceh Are Infected With HIV/AIDS

ACEH - The Lhokseumawe City Health Office, Aceh Province recorded the number of people with HIV/Aids or PLHAs in the area reached 80 cases.

Secretary of the Lhokseumawe City Health Office, Helizar, said a total, 48 people were HIV positive, while 32 people had Aids.

"A total of 80 residents of Lhokseumawe City have been infected with HIV/Aids since 2006. Currently, 54 people with active HIV Aids are still being treated, while 26 others have died", said Helizar in Lhokseumawe, Antara, Wednesday, December 1.

Helizar said that this year there were eight new HIV/Aids cases, consisting of six cases of HIV and two cases of AIDS. The Health Office continues to monitor the six new cases.

According to Helizar, the transmission of the deadly virus is dominated by free sex. In addition to free sex, the transmission of the HIV/Aids virus is also caused by homosexuality.

"Transmission also occurs through injection needles for narcotics users. This infectious disease is dominated by 15 to 45 years of age who are in the production age category", said Helizar.

Helizar said the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a dangerous virus that can attack the immune system so that sufferers will be vulnerable to disease.

If not handled properly, the virus will quickly develop into Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids). Until now, the disease has had no cure.

"If Aids is the final stage of HIV infection, these symptoms appear when HIV infection is in the final stage or very severe", said Helizar.

As an effort to detect early HIV/Aids sufferers, said Helizar, his party is trying to provide examinations at the clinic and also carry out a system of moving to risky locations.

In Lhokseumawe City, said Helizar, currently the examination clinic is only available at the Kesrem Hospital. Next year, there will be four Puskesmas providing HIV/Aids examination clinics.

"Mapping the HIV/Aids population is the key to detecting the risk of spreading the virus. Officers also provide socialization and education, so that people with HIV/Aids dare to check themselves", said Helizar.

Helizar also invites the community to actively fight HIV/Aids, at least in the family environment, and also the community to recognize the deadly virus properly, both in ways of spreading and preventing it.

"We emphasize that the community must avoid the disease, not the sufferer. For those who are at risk of HIV transmission, they must immediately get themselves checked", said Helizar.