The Development Of The Rape Case Of 3 Children In East Luwu: Police Conduct Forensic Psychology

JAKARTA - An official from the National Police's Public Relations Division revealed that the investigation into the alleged involuntary assault of three children in East Luwu, South Sulawesi, is still ongoing because investigators are conducting a forensic psychology examination on the victim. Police Commissioner Kombes Pol Ahmad Ramadhan when confirmed in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, December 1. Ramadan explained that forensic psychology was carried out after investigators managed to obtain information from the victim's parents. make a Model A Police Report on October 12, 2021.

The investigation using the model A police report uses a different time from the initial criminal report in October 2019. This police investigation uses a time between 25-31 October 2019, where the victim's mother conducted a medical examination of her child and found different medical examination results from The results of the post-mortem were carried out on October 19 and October 24, 2019 by East Luwu Police Investigators. The investigation of this case was handled by the East Luwu Police with the assistance of the South Sulawesi Police and the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police. Regarding forensic psychology, Ramadhan explained that this examination will take time because the process is not short." A minimum of one week," he said. Forensic psychological examinations are already underway and are being processed at the East Luwu Police, he said. Forensic psychology is a field that combines psychology and legal practice. The case of coercion against three minors allegedly committed by their biological father has gone viral in the media social to emerge and the hashtag #percumalaporpolisi. The incident was reported in October 2019 and investigators stopped the investigation because the results of the case were not found sufficient preliminary evidence.