Police Persecution Case, 5 Pancasila Youth Members Become Suspects

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has named 5 new suspects in the case of mistreatment of the Head of Ops Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Dermawan Karosekali. They are listed as members of the Pancasila Youth organization.

"Currently there are five additional suspects," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Tuesday, November 30.

The suspects had the initials AS (18), WH (35), DH (28), ACH (29). In this case series, they have different roles.

For the US suspect the role of chasing, pulling, and hitting the victim. Then, WH plays the role of provoking, chasing, and hitting the victim

Furthermore, the suspect DH played a role in chasing, hitting, and kicking the victim. Another suspect, ACH, played a role in hitting the victim with a stick.

Finally, the fifth suspect, MBK, played a role in chasing, pulling, and hitting the victim with his bare hands.

"We reveal it based on CCTV which proves that the beating was carried out on AKBP Dermawan Karosekali," said Zulpan.

Meanwhile, the Director of General Crimes at the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Tubagus Ade Hidayat, said that in this case there is still the possibility of an increase in the number of suspects. Because this case is still under investigation.

"It is still possible, the identification results are still very likely to increase the number of suspects," said Tubagus.

While regarding the motive for the persecution, Tubagus could not convey it. The information from the suspects is still being investigated.

"We are still investigating the motive further," said Tubagus.

With the determination of these suspects, the five people are charged with Article 170, 212, 216, and 218 of the Criminal Code. They face a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison.

For information, in this series of cases, the police had previously named 16 suspects. The suspects were divided into two clusters.

For 15 of them were made suspects in cases of possession of sharp weapons.

In addition, the police also found two bullets. Police will investigate the owner and the origin of the two bullets.

The police also named one suspect related to mistreatment of the police during a demonstration in front of the DPR/MPR building.