Uncovering Gambling At Food Garden Season City

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta area has been stirred up by the disclosure of a karaoke-based gambling case. Dozens of people, both men and women, were arrested for alleged involvement.

Sunday, December 23, evening, was the beginning of the disclosure of this gambling practice. Food Garden Grand Floor Mall Season City, is the location of these illegal activities.

Head of West Jakarta Metro Police Reskrim, Commissioner Teuku Arsya Khadafi, said that 36 people were arrested in the case. However, some of them were released because they were not involved. Meanwhile, the rest were named suspects.

"From the results of investigations and case titles, 28 people have been named as suspects. 11 managers or bookies and 17 people are gambling players," said Arsya in Jakarta, Monday, December 23.

Gambling with karaoke mode has been going on since December 15. This gambling activity usually starts at 19.00 to 22.00. The circulation of money there can reach IDR 30 million.

In addition, the practice of gambling, which adopts traditional games from West Sumatra, is carried out by requiring players to pay IDR 20 thousand for each coupon. This coupon will be exchanged for numbered coins.

Next, the dealers will draw coins with that number and say the number that came out. The players will note down the number mentioned. Later, players whose numbers are called vertical or horizontal grooves will be called and invited to sing.

The singing context is the player's winning point. Players are entitled to various prizes, ranging from cash to gold bullion.

The location of a gambling raided by the police (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

From the disclosure of this case, a number of evidences were confiscated, including Rp. 10 million in cash, shaker, projector, 97 numbers, five notebooks, 89 brochures, 20 bundles of exam papers, six vouchers, two calculators and receipts, nine papers were sold, and 10 gold wallets and letters.

In addition, the police are also hunting down several people who have a role behind the gambling action. The development of the case is also to seek involvement in the management of the Season City Mall.

"We are still checking first (about the involvement of management). How is the process of using the place. The investigation process is still ongoing. That's why we are still pursuing the examination," said Arsya.

Meanwhile, West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Officer Iptu Dimitri Mahendra said this case had elements of gambling crime from the sale of the coupons. This is because the players can spend up to millions of rupiah. Also, buying this coupon entails multiple profits and attracts people to join.

"There are some consolation prizes. They also have to buy coupons first," said Dimitri.

Separately confirmed, the General Manager of Season City Mall, Mualim Wijoyo emphasized that gambling at the Food Garden was an illegal activity because his party had never even issued a permit. Even before the activity took place, the group or organizer of the event did not provide notification information.

"The management is completely ignorant. They do not know if there is an event. Usually when there is a crowd event we ask for permission, but this is not what it is," said Mualim.

The location of a gambling raided by the police (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

However, he said, the place is often used as entertainment activities, such as karaoke to games. However, they don't know if this entertainment activity is to cover gambling activities.

For this reason, it is said that Season City Management fully supports the steps of the police in cracking down on gambling. In fact, a cooperative attitude to give all the testimonies on that case will be carried out.

"Season City in the future will be more selective with each event organized by tenants. Then also not tolerate anything that is against the rules, and also support the firm steps that will be taken by the authorities," said Mualim.

Meanwhile, the suspects will be charged under Article 303 of the Criminal Code and / or Article 5 paragraph 1 Jo paragraph 2 paragraph 1 letter t and z of Law No. 8 of 2010 concerning the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU) with the threat of a sentence of 10 years in prison.