Do Not Underestimate The Independence Of KPK Only Salary Problems

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron asked not to undermine the independence of KPK employees after becoming the State Civil Service (ASN).

"The independence of KPK employees as law enforcers is born from the spirit and understanding that the KPK is the enforcer of the law and therefore independence is the main thing in enforcing the law," said Ghufron in his statement quoted by Antara, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 11.

will that the independence of the Corruption Eradication Commission was born due to the inclusion of KPK personnel in the Republic of Indonesia from the recruitment process to the guidance and code of ethics of the KPK

As for the change to ASN based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 41 of 2020. Article 9 of the PP regulates salaries and allowances.

First, KPK employees who have become ASN are given salaries and allowances in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

Second, in the event of a decrease in income, KPK employees in addition to salaries and allowances can also be given special allowances stipulated in a Presidential Regulation.

Previously, the former head of the KPK, Laode M Syarif, assessed that the PP had damaged the single salary system that had long been implemented in the KPK.

"I was surprised by the payroll system in PP, where it says that there are three employee salaries, namely salaries, allowances and special allowances, even though the KPK has long highlighted the importance of having a single salary system like abroad," said Syarif in an online discussion with the theme " Projections of the Future of Corruption Eradication "in Jakarta, Monday, August 10.

"A single salary is only one salary, with this PP it can be called a low salary but with allowances. There are a lot of money for this honor meeting but the accountability is difficult because the size is unclear," said Laode.

With this system, it can trigger KPK employees to participate in various activities, for example, the committee to receive honoraria and allowances.