Bandung Regent Requires ASN To Sing Indonesia Raya Before Working

BANDUNG - Bandung Regent Dadang Supriatna obliges state civil apparatus (ASN) in Bandung Regency to require the anthem Indonesia Raya before starting their work every day.

"I instructed the Secretary of State, later the perbup (regent regulation) will follow that starting today all government officials, every morning before carrying out activities must sing or listen to the Indonesia Raya anthem," said Dadang, in Bandung, West Java, quoted by Antara, Monday, 29 November.

He also required ASN to sing or listen to the song Halo-Halo Bandung before returning home from work. This, he said, is also mandatory in the school environment.

In addition, Dadang plans to implement a reward and punishment system in order to improve the performance of all civil servants (PNS) in the Bandung Regency Government.

According to him, the award will be given to civil servants who have innovations and works that are beneficial to the people of Bandung Regency.

"But on the other hand, if there are civil servants who make mistakes and violate the ASN Law, they will be punished. In PP (Government Regulation) Number 17 of 2020 it is explained, officials may be removed from their positions, if they make a fatal mistake," he said.

Dadang also appealed to ASN, including prospective civil servants (CPNS) to understand the territory first. According to him, it can help them in making policies for the people of Bandung Regency.

"If we control the territory and understand the character of the community, God willing, in the future we as local governments can provide good policies for residents," said Dadang.