Palmerah Boncos Village Raided, Police Arrest 18 Methamphetamine Users

JAKARTA - A total of 18 people were arrested by the police from Boncos Village, in Kota Bambu Selatan, Palmerah, West Jakarta, because they were found to be positive for narcotics. In addition to arresting 18 people, the police also confiscated the meth belonging to the perpetrators.

"We have arrested 18 people who are proven to have consumed drugs. Of the 18 people, 13 were men and 5 were women," said West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Head Commissioner of Police Danang Setiyo when contacted, Monday 29 November.

A urine examination revealed that the suspects were using methamphetamine. In addition to securing the perpetrators of drug abuse, a number of other evidence, namely, meth suction devices (bongs), plastic clips, straws, and gas lighters were also confiscated.

"We will send them to a rehabilitation center for coaching," he said.

He said his party would continue to carry out operations in zones prone to drug trafficking.

The West Jakarta Metro Police will try their best to change the stigma of Kampung Boncos, which is known as a paradise village for drug addicts. Become a village that is free from drugs.

"We will continue to carry out operations until the area is cleared of illicit drug trafficking," he said.