Police Spending Soars 90 Percent Reaching Rp20 Trillion: Tactical Vehicles, Weapons, And Sensors Are The Focus
JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Kemenkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the Indonesian National Police (Polri) is one of the state institutions that has succeeded in realizing a fairly high growth in spending throughout 2021.
According to him, until the end of October 2021, the National Police had spent Rp20.9 percent. This figure jumped 90 percent from the same period in 2020 with Rp11 trillion.
"The police spend their budget on various defense and security tools," he said in a virtual press conference on our State Budget, quoted on Sunday, November 28.
In detail, the state treasurer explained that the main focus of Polri's expenditure was for the modernization of special material equipment (almatsus) and facilities and infrastructure (sarpras).
"The forms include land tactical transportation equipment, weapons and ammunition, as well as sensing devices," he said.
Furthermore, the Minister of Finance revealed that the progress of realization to date has reached 90.2 percent of the target of 29,372 units worth Rp. 16.56 trillion.
Just so you know, the institution led by Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo is the fifth largest institution in Indonesia that manages state property (BMN) with a total value of IDR 317.6 trillion.
The community protection institution is also said to have 470,391 active personnel with 1,424 work units (satker). Then, 1 headquarters (headquarters), 34 regional police (polda), and 455 resort police (polres).