Protests Widen, Netanyahu's Time Is Running Out

JAKARTA - Demonstrations demanding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resign is widespread. In Jerusalem, thousands of protesters declared some kind of ultimatum.

"Your time is up," read the banners carried by the protesters.

Protesters believe Netanyahu has failed miserably in dealing with the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the allegations of corruption against Netanyahu are getting stronger.

The protesters also waved the Israeli flag as a symbol of grief and sympathy for the country, that the president had failed to protect the citizens' economic and living rights during the pandemic.

On the highways of Tel Aviv, demonstrations were also observed involving thousands of people. There, they waved black flags and chanted messages for Netanyahu to resign.

Passing cars also sounded their horns in support of the protesters. One of the protesters, Yael, revealed that the reason he took part in the action was because he had lost his job due to the pandemic.

“You would think that a once-in-a-lifetime crisis like this would push Netanyahu into action. And it didn't. Enough is enough, ”he said, quoted by Reuters, Monday, August 10.

Netanyahu's stance is still the same. He did not budge, even considered the protests against him as an insult to democracy.

Netanyahu also accused the Israeli mass media of continuing to fan the fire of unrest and causing widespread protests. The leader of the ruling party, Likud, in an official statement also made a similar statement.

According to him, the rioting was supported by left-wing parties. The Liquid Party even appointed Israel's Channel 12 as the party responsible for the widespread resistance to Netanyahu's government.

"Netanyahu is struggling to return the Israeli economy to normal and to transfer funds and grants to Israelis," the Likud Party said in a statement posted to Netanyahu's Twitter page.