Do These 7 Simple Things To Make Life More Relaxed

JAKARTA – In the midst of a busy schedule, taking time off is important. Pause to feel more relaxed is beneficial to beat stress. For example, fill the time with exercise or eat healthy food.

A psychologist, Karen Young, in her notes posted on the Hey Sigmund page, recommends a number of mental health strategies that can help a person enjoy life more relaxed, along with things that can be done.

1. Connect with friends and family

Everyone doesn't live life alone. It means needing reliable people in life. Knowing that you are not alone is one of the things that makes you feel more relaxed. So, stay in touch with friends and family on a regular basis.

Be sure to get support when you need it. In addition, building a network can support you in living your life ahead.

2. Identify positive things

According to Young, identifying positive things can reduce negative thoughts that make you sad and stressed. Being aware of the positive things in life is also a reminder that there are positive truths that change perspective.

3. Don't assume other people's motives

When someone acts up and offends you, try not to assume the worst of them. Everyone has their own stressors. Maybe the person who offended you didn't mean it that way, but because they are in a hurry or in an emergency, they appear to be in a hurry without thinking about the effect it will have on you.

4. Know your priorities

The demands of life may never end and it's natural if you can't do everything well. If we don't take time off, we can easily become so attached and scheduled that our priorities get overlooked.

When you know which are your priorities, you can make better decisions about how to manage your time.

5. Rest

No matter how hard you work, as long as you can take a break to rest. According to Young, because we want to do so many to-do lists, our minds need a break. Proper rest can help you relax and feel recharged.

6. Make time for the little things

Small things, like hugging a child or partner or close friend bring joy to life. Well, these small activities can help you feel more relaxed. Also fill the time off with small pleasures.

7. Forgive yourself

When the task plans are overwhelming and you can't complete them all, forgive yourself. Young writes, stress can come from our own negative thoughts about ourselves. No one is perfect, and everyone needs room to make some mistakes. Even if you're not perfect, you still love and be loved by your family, friends and relatives.