Almost A Month Of PPKM Level 1, Traffic Volume In Jakarta Soared By 32 Percent

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that there was an increase in the volume of motorized vehicle traffic in Jakarta during the three weeks of the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Level 1.

This was conveyed based on data from November 18-24 or three weeks after PPKM Level 1 was implemented. According to Syahfrin, when compared to PPKM Level 3 on September 9-15 or both in the third week, there was an increase in traffic volume.

"The volume of motorized vehicle traffic has increased by 32.02 percent", he said in a written statement quoted on Saturday, November 27.

Meanwhile, the number of daily passengers on urban public transport increased by almost 50 percent compared to when PPKM Level 3 was still in effect.

"The daily number of urban public transport passengers at PPKM Level 1 is 972,679 Pnp per day, an increase of 52.96 percent compared to PPKM Level 3, which is 635,904 Pnp per day", said Syafrin.

Meanwhile, daily inter-city inter-provincial (AKAP) passengers increased by 23.32 percent or 3,184 PNP per day. In fact, when PPKM Level 3 was implemented, the number of passengers was only 2,582 per day.

Furthermore, Syafrin also explained the mobility of people in the DKI area based on Google PPKM Level 1 data on November 12-18. He said community activities outside the home are now increasing when compared to the PPKM Level 3 conditions with data from September 8-14.

He said the mobility of people to retail and recreational locations increased by 11.86 percent. "Then grocery stores and pharmacies are 5.57 percent; parks are 23.71 percent; public transportation centers are 13 percent; workplaces are 7.47 percent", said Syafrin.

However, there was a decrease in community mobility which was observed during the implementation of PPKM Level 1. "The residential area decreased by 3.43 percent", he concluded.