Researcher: Center And Regions Need To Synchronize Policies To Overcome COVID-19

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Institute's Research and Program Manager Arfianto Purbolaksono said the central and regional governments need to synchronize policies to overcome and overcome COVID-19 so that they do not overlap. It is necessary to synchronize the relationship between the central and regional governments in overcoming the pandemic," said Arfianto in the 2021 Indonesia Release which was monitored in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, November 25. For this reason, he recommended the Ministry of Home Affairs to build a government with a hierarchical model where regional regulations are in line with regulations. "The hierarchical pattern needed is one that gives regions the freedom to implement policies and programs to deal with COVID-19 handling. A policy that provides certainty and measurability, as well as guarantees for the regions," he said.

Meanwhile, the synchronization of central and regional government policies through sanctions if there are regional government policies that are not in line with the central government, needs to be applied carefully. said the policies of the central and regional governments that were out of sync amid COVID-19, among others, related to regional quarantine and social assistance. Where since the beginning of the pandemic, the regional quarantine regulations issued by the regional government may differ from those issued by the central government. There are several existing policies," he said. Policies related to social assistance (bansos) of the central and local governments are also considered to overlap due to poor coordination of recipient data. is a regulation for non-disaster situations. Thus, it is not surprising that there is a difference in the data on social assistance recipients between the central and regional governments," he added.