Nine Senior Kiais Ask NU Congress To Be Postponed To End Of January 2022

JAKARTA - Nine senior Kiais proposed that the 34th NU Congress could be postponed to the end of January 2022 to coincide with the commemoration of NU's 39th Birthday.

The proposal is the result of an agreement between nine senior Kiais who met in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 24 yesterday.

Present at the meeting were KH Farid Wadjdy from East Kalimantan, KH Abdul Kadir Makarim (NTT), KH Bun Bunyamin (West Java), KH Muhshin Abdillah (Lampung), KH Anwar Manshur (East Java), KH Abuya Muhtadi Dimyati (Banten), KH Kharis Shodaqoh (Central Java), Buya Bagindo Leter (West Sumatra), and KH Manarul Hidayat (Jakarta).

"The 34th Nahdlatul Ulama Congress was held with maximum and optimal preparation. Therefore, ideally, the 34th Nahdlatul Ulama Congress was held at the end of January 2022 to coincide with NU's 96th Harlah," reads one of the agreements, quoted from a copy minutes of the meeting, Thursday, November 25, quoted from Antara.

The senior Kiai also hope that the 34th NU Congress can take place in a family, brotherly and togetherness manner, including promoting a calm, safe, peaceful, and harmonious atmosphere.

Furthermore, the senior Kiai will write to the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) so that they can follow up on the results of the meeting.

In accordance with the decision of the National Conference and the NU Consul for 2021, the 34th NU Congress was originally to be held in Lampung Province on December 23-25, 2021.

However, following the government's plan to implement Level 3 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) throughout Indonesia, the time for the NU Congress was rescheduled.

There are two aspirations related to rescheduling the time for the congress, namely that there are those who want the congress to be held in December. However, the date has been pushed forward and some want the congress to be postponed to early next year.

Until now, PBNU has not decided to advance or postpone the NU Congress from its original schedule.

Secretary of the 2021 NU National Conference and Big Conference Imdadun Rahmat said in a decision letter from the 2021 NU National Conference Committee held last September, PBNU agreed that the NU Congress should pay attention to the COVID-19 condition. This is done so that Congress is for the benefit of all.