Good For Improving Mental Health, Here Are The Benefits Of Applying Art Therapy In Life

JAKARTA - Art Therapy is one of the various methods that can be done to improve the quality of mental health as well as restore mental health. This therapy is usually done by expressing emotions for people with mental health disorders in the form of a work of art.

Because doing activities related to art can provide a pleasant experience. To find out more about the benefits of art therapy, let's look at the following reviews about some of the benefits of art therapy.

Express yourself and feelings

Art can be a more simple way of communicating thoughts and emotions. This can also provide an opportunity for us to know ourselves further, such as knowing our strengths and strengths. Because art therapy is able to make chaotic and complicated feelings simpler, so that it is easier for you to share the emotions you feel from time to time.

Release stress

Art therapy can be used to relieve stress and calm the mind and body. Research shows that dopamine levels tend to increase when a person draws, paints, and other forms of creativity. People who are under stress and depression, their bodies produce low amounts of dopamine. Art therapy has been shown to help increase dopamine levels and help patients feel happier.

Stimulates mental function

For those of you who find it difficult to concentrate, do activities related to art. Research shows that art therapy has benefits for increasing concentration, both in adults and children. Because creating art can help a person sink into a stimulated state of relaxation, allowing the brain to focus on something without overthinking it.