Bobby Nasution Asks OPD To Immediately Disseminate The Arrangement Of Kesawan Medan

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution asked the relevant regional apparatus organizations (OPD) to immediately socialize the Kesawan Old Town structuring plan whose implementation will begin in early 2022.

"We have agreed that the team we have formed will massively disseminate information to the public regarding the arrangement of the Old Town of Kesawan," said Bobby Nasution in Medan, quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 21.

There is also the purpose of socialization, he continued, so that after the arrangement, the economy, social, culture, and environment in this area will immediately develop.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Medan City Housing, Settlement and Spatial Planning Office, Endar Sutan Lubis, said that the Kesawan arrangement was a collaboration between the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and the Medan City Government.

"The Ministry of PUPR will make improvements to the infrastructure which includes the arrangement of pedestrians, drainage, and utilities using the duckting system (integrated channels)," he said.

Meanwhile, the Medan City Government itself carries out building arrangements, such as billboards and socializes so that building owners rearrange the shape of their buildings to their original condition.

"If it is not possible, at least the building owner will restore the front view of the building following the architecture of the old city," he explained.

For building owners who rearrange themselves, the Medan City Government will provide compensation in the form of a reduction in land and building tax (PBB).

"For the owner to arrange the building himself, we will provide compensation for the reduction in PBB. But we are still discussing the nominal amount with the relevant OPD," said Endar.