Police Hunt Sharply-Armed Motorcycle Gangs Attack Residences In Deli Serdang

MEDAN - Police officers are still hunting for a group of youths suspected of being a motorcycle gang who attacked residential areas in Marindal I Village, Patumbak District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra.

The attack by a group of youths occurred in the early hours of Sunday. Their actions went viral on social media (medsos).

"We are still investigating the culprit," said Head of the Patumbak Police, Commissioner of Police Faidir Chaniago, quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 21.

The police are currently conducting a series of investigations to hunt down the perpetrators who are troubling the community.

"Later we will tell the progress," he said.

The video of the attack on a group of youths was uploaded on the social media account of the Head of Sigaragara Village Patumbak Safi'i Tarigan.

In the short video, it shows a group of youths carrying sharp weapons storming a residential area. They damaged a number of houses with sharp weapons.

Not only destroying residential areas, but a group of youths also robbed a motorcycle belonging to a local resident.