Basarnas Evacuates Kejari's Engine That Shuts Down In Wakatobi

KENDARI - The Kendari Basarnas team evacuated the Wakatobi District Attorney's (Kejari) employee ship which experienced an engine failure in the waters of Wakatobi Regency, Southeast Sulawesi.

Head of Basarnas Kendari Aris Sofingi said his party received information about the incident from an employee of the Wakatobi Kejari named Ali Maradan.

"At 13.00 WITA the KPP Kendari Comm Center received information from Mr. Ali Mardan, an employee of the Wakatobi District Attorney who reported that at 12.05 WITA there had been a ship accident, namely one speedboat belonging to the Wakatobi District Attorney had an engine failure," he said. November 19.

His party received a report that the ship was boarded by six employees of the Wakatobi Kejari.

"'Person On Board (POB) six people, where one POB person fainted and needed medivac around Kaledupa Waters, Wakatobi Regency," he said.

Based on the report, at 13.15 WITA the Wakatobi SAR Post Rescue Team was dispatched to the accident scene (LKK) by using a rubber boat to provide SAR assistance.

"The distance to LKK is around 21.32 NM. The weather is sunny and cloudy, the wave height is 0.5-1 meter," said Aris.

Data for the six passengers are Muh Firman, Erwin, Nur Safitra, Eko, Herianto Jaelani and Laode Iksan.

Previously, at 12.05 WITA, a speedboat on the Tomia - Wanci route had an engine failure and when the captain came back to check one engine was dead, the captain immediately fell and fainted, so medical assistance was needed.