Police Prevent Protesters From Entering The Wiyoto Wiyono Toll Road, Residents: This Is The First Time The Demo Enters Toll Road

JAKARTA - Masses of workers from various alliances carried out a long march to the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Office to demand an increase in wages. During the action, the mass of workers tried to enter the Wiyoto Wiyono toll road section through the Pedati toll gate, Jatinegara, East Jakarta.

The demonstrators tried to pass the toll road section through the Pedati toll gate. However, his actions were repelled by the police.

"Again, the demonstration is on the toll road, but the police are blocking it. If you want to enter the toll road, you can't," said Wahyudi, a local resident, Friday, November 19.

When doing a long march and being stuck in front of the toll gate, they lit flare guns, causing a puff of smoke. The workers had forced to enter, but were blocked by the police.

"Yes. Wow, it's so crowded here. There are more than 15 minutes," he said.

The workers' reckless action was prohibited because the crowd used motorbikes when they wanted to break through the toll road.

Negotiations took place between workers' representatives and members of the police, but the officers forbade workers to cross the toll road.

The mass of workers were then diverted by police officers to take another road, namely Jalan DI Panjaitan, to go to the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Office.

"They were prevented by the police. The workers were returned to the middle lane, this is the first time (the demonstration is going to enter the toll road)," he said.

To anticipate other mobs entering the toll road, the police are still keeping watch. Congestion also had a long snaking from the direction of Cawang.