BMKG Asks North Aceh Residents To Beware Of Floods And Landslides Following Potential Heavy Rain

ACEH - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe Station reminded people in North Aceh to be aware of flooding following the potential for rain in the next few days.

"Medium to heavy rain accompanied by lightning or lightning and strong winds in the late afternoon and evening have the potential to occur in North Aceh Regency and its surroundings including Lhokseumawe City and Bener Meriah Regency," said Head of BMKG Malikussaleh Station Lhokseumawe Siswanto in Lhokseumawe as reported by Antara, Thursday, November 18. .

The potential for high rainfall can cause a number of rivers to overflow so that they submerge residential areas and community agricultural areas. In addition to flooding, he said, heavy rain also has the potential to cause landslides.

"We urge the public not to be careless and remain alert to potential natural disasters such as floods and landslides. We also ask the community to increase mitigation to reduce the impact if a disaster occurs," said Siswanto.

Previously, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of North Aceh Regency said the aftershocks of flooding inundated four sub-districts in the area following heavy rains since the last two days.

North Aceh BPBD Acting Head, Murzani, said the four sub-districts that were soaked by the aftershocks were Matang Kuli, Paya Bakong, Pirak Timu, and Tanah Luas.

"Temporary data, it was recorded that 30 gampongs or villages in four sub-districts were flooded with a height ranging from 30 centimeters to 1.5 meters," said Murzani.

Murzani said the flood was caused by the overflow of the Krueng (River) Pirak and Krueng Kereuto. The flood caused 217 houses to be submerged, while the affected residents reached 2,383 people from 768 families.

"No residents have evacuated yet, but if the rain continues and the water level continues to rise, it is possible that residents will be forced to evacuate in emergency tents that have been provided," said Murzani.