Viral Porn Video In Ambon, Police Say Investigation Is Still Open
AMBON - The Maluku Regional Police stated that the investigation into the pornographic video case in Ambon which was widespread or viral was still ongoing, even though the perpetrator's parents requested that the case not be brought to justice.
"What is clear is that we have not closed the case. Indeed, there are efforts from the family to marry them off, and this is also a consideration for us," said Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Kombes M. Roem Ohoirat when contacted in Ambon, reported by Antara, Wednesday, 17 November.
He said the case was still under investigation, and no suspect had been named for the video nasty case. According to him, there are several elements that will be the entry point in the investigation of the case, including allegations of pornography and violations of the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE).
"It is clear that the investigation is technical, the investigator knows better because yesterday's case could have pornographic elements and there is ITE, everything is there," said Kombes M Roem.
The Directorate of Criminal Investigation at the Maluku Police on Tuesday, November 16 investigated the two perpetrators in the nasty video for causing a stir in the community.
"We from the Cyber Polda (Maluku) side went to Ajendam XVI/Pattimura this morning, coordinating so that the person concerned was presented at the Maluku Police Ditreskrimsus office, only for an initial clarification because their actions had gone viral everywhere," said the Cyber Crime Committee of the Maluku Police Ipda Henny Papilaya in Ambon, last Tuesday. The coordination was carried out with the Regional Military Adjutant (Ajendam) XVI/Pattimura, he continued, because the two perpetrators had been detained there. One of the perpetrators in the intended pornographic video is the son of a TNI-AD member, so their parents are looking for and securing the perpetrator at the Ambon City Kodim, he said.
He said after completing the clarification from cyber members of the Maluku Police Ditreskrimsus, the two were returned to Ajendam XVI/Pattimura for guidance and resolved amicably between the parents of the two perpetrators.
"Regarding the handling of the police, they will continue to follow up but still refer to the leadership's orders," he said.
Ipda Henny also admitted that he was still investigating the video maker or publisher, while the evidence used was a mobile phone.
The pornographic video is known to have been recorded on November 12, 2021, which shows the two perpetrators having sex through a live broadcast on Honey Live's social media. However, he said the perpetrators with the initials VWS and JP admitted that their actions were just for fun and not for commercial purposes.