This Triggered The Murder Of A Woman At Margonda Apartments

JAKARTA - The police continue to dig up information from FM (37), the suspect in the murder of a woman with the initials AO (36) at the Margonda Residence 5 Depok apartment. The provisional result, romance is the motive behind the case.

"The temporary investigation is because the suspect is jealous," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Thursday, August 6.

The suspect's jealousy, said Yusri, was because the victim had a relationship with another man. In fact, FM has really put his heart to the victim.

The jealousy led to FM resentment towards AO. Thus, planning the murder.

"The motive is in the meantime but we are still examining it and we are examining the statement," he said.

Meanwhile, FM (37) was arrested in Bekasi, West Java. The arrest was due to evidence of conversation that the police found on AO's cellphone (36).

Not only killing, FM also stole AO's belongings in the form of rings and motorbikes. Thus, the police charged him with Article 340 of the Criminal Code concerning premeditated murder and Article 365 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with violence which resulted in the victim's death.

This case was first discovered when the apartment manager reported the finding of a female corpse in a unit on Tuesday, August 4 evening.

The woman's body was facedown, her hands tied and her mouth closed with duct tape. In addition, scars were also found on the head and forehead, thought to have been hit by a hammer.