Bali Tightens 94 Tourist Attractions Ahead Of The Christmas-New Year Holiday

DENPASAR - The Bali Provincial Tourism Office stated its readiness to welcome the arrival of domestic and foreign tourists who will enjoy the Christmas moment until the turn of the year by tightening at 94 tourist attractions.

Acting Kadispar Bali Tjok Bagus Pemayun said his party was preparing SOP steps in handling tourists and tightening in a number of tourism object areas on the island of Bali.

"SOPs for foreign tourists when they arrive on the Island of the Gods Bali include checking travel documents, vaccine letters, PCR, then the foreign tourists will be taken to the hotel to be quarantined," he told reporters in Denpasar, Tuesday, November 16.

Regarding the quarantine period for foreign tourists, which was originally enforced for three days, his party is now proposing to the central government that the quarantine period for foreign tourists is only one day, to attract foreign tourists to vacation in Bali.

To increase the number of foreign tourist arrivals, Bali also proposes five additional countries after the 19 countries that have been allowed to enter Indonesia, especially Bali. The five are Australia, the United States, Russia, Germany and the United Kingdom.

In addition to implementing SOPs for foreign tourists, his party has also tightened tourism objects in Bali that already have CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety & Environment Sustainability) certification.

According to him, there are 94 tourist attractions in nine regencies in Bali that already have CHSE certificates and are ready to impose restrictions on travelers to avoid clusters of spreading the COVID-19 virus in tourist attractions.

"Tightening the CHSE in tourist attractions starting at the entrance, officers prepare hand washing equipment, body temperature checks for tourists, then they are required to fill in the CareLindung application that has been installed at the tourist attraction," he said.

The tightening of SOPs for foreign tourists and tightening of CHSE at the Bali Island of the Gods tourist attraction is nothing but the aim of avoiding the transmission of the third wave of the COVID-19 virus when the Christmas-New Year holiday moment arrives.

Tjok Bagus Pemayun added that after this pandemic, Bali tourism must be worked on more seriously to lead to quality and sustainable Balinese cultural tourism.

"Building Balinese cultural tourism is like building a house with 5 pillars, namely academia, business, community, government and media (abcgm). These five pillars support each other and have the same goal for our progress together, then Bali tourism will definitely strong, sturdy and of course quality and sustainable tourism will be realized," said Tjok Bagus.