KPK Collects Evidence Allegedly Azis Syamsuddin Received Fee From Central Lampung DAK

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron, said that his party was still looking for evidence of Azis Syamsuddin's involvement in the administration of the Central Lampung Special Allocation Fund (DAK), when he was a member of the DPR.

This search was carried out by calling a number of witnesses. If Azis' involvement is found later, Ghufron asserted, the KPK will not hesitate to open a new investigation. Azis in the trial is said to have received a fee from the DAK application.

"If it turns out to be strongly suspected, the results of the examination are strong that it is a criminal act, then we will follow up by then ordering a new investigation into the alleged criminal act that developed during the examination," Ghufron told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday. , November 16.

In addition to summoning witnesses, the KPK is also waiting for the public prosecutor's report at the trial of its former investigator, Stepanus Robin Pattuju. He ensured that all findings related to Azis' connection in the DAK case would certainly be recorded by the prosecutor and reported.

"If in the development of witness testimonies reveal there are new cases they will report to us for us and then follow up," said Ghufron.

In the previous trial, the former regent of Central Lampung, Mustafa, said that Azis Syamsuddin had asked for an 8 percent fee from the DAK that Azis ordered.

Mustafa said the case stemmed from a request for funds by the Central Lampung Regency Government to Azis as the chairman of the DPR's Budget Agency for road repairs.

He said that at that time Azis asked him to prepare a proposal. One of the issues discussed was the 8 percent fee for Azis so that DAK could be disbursed.

As previously reported, the anti-corruption commission investigated the former General Chairperson of the PP Youth Forces of the Golkar Party who was Azis Syamsuddin's right-hand man, Aliza Gunado and a private party named Edy Sujarwo on Monday, November 15.

During the examination, the two witnesses were investigated regarding the role of Azis Syamsuddin in managing the Central Lampung Special Allocation Fund (DAK).

"His knowledge was explored, among others, related to the role of suspect AZ (Azis Syamsuddin) who was allegedly active in managing the application for DAK funds for Central Lampung Regency in 2017 with receipts in the form of a fee for his assistance," said acting KPK spokesman Ipi Maryati through written statement, Monday, November 15.

For information, former Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party Azis Syamsuddin has been named a suspect in connection with the alleged bribery in handling the corruption case being handled by the KPK in Central Lampung. This award was given to Stepanus Robin Pattuju who had been dismissed from his job as an investigator.

In this case, the KPK suspects that Azis and former General Chairperson of the PP Youth Forces of the Golkar Party (AMPG) Aliza Gunado gave bribes to KPK investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju (SRP) worth Rp. 3.1 billion from an agreement of Rp. 4 billion.

The money was given to Stepanus so that the former investigators would secure their position in the alleged corruption of the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) in Central Lampung.