Making Restless, Residents In Belawan Medan Shoot The Legs Of The Brawlers And Now Lead To The Police

MEDAN - Brawls between residents that often occur in the Belawan area, Medan City make the community restless. Uneasy, a resident with the initials HSD alias H Len (56) was determined to shoot the leg of a brawler named Muslim (48).

As a result of the gunfire, the victim had to be rushed to Bhayangkara Hospital for treatment.

The Director of General Crimes at the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Tatan Dirsan Atmaja, said the incident occurred on Thursday, November 11 at around 23:45 WIB.

At that time there was a clash between residents of Lorong Tigor and residents of Lorong Pisang, Belawan I Village, Medan Belawan District, North Sumatra. At the time of the incident, the perpetrator came out of his house to try to break up the clash.

"However, the perpetrators were even cursed at, attacked and pelted by residents of Lorong Tigor," said Kombes Tatan, Monday, November 15.

Unable to accept being scolded, the emotional perpetrator then fired two warning shots into the air. However, this was still ignored by the conflicting groups.

"So that the perpetrators who were right in front of Lorong Tigor were stoned by residents and Muslim victims," said Kombes Tatan.

Feeling threatened, the perpetrator then fired once downwards and hit the victim's left leg.

In addition to shooting the victim, previously HSD was involved in a duel with Muslims. At that time the suspect brought a machete and tried to attack the victim until the shooting occurred.

"From this incident, investigators have confiscated 1 firearm, one magazine and 10 rounds of 32 caliber ammunition, then 1 special rifle card with the initials HSD, then 1 machete," he said.

From this incident, said Tatan, his party carried out an investigation and processed the scene. At the scene, the police confiscated two bullet casings and a reptile from Muslim's body. The perpetrator has been arrested by the police.

For his actions, the police named HSD, known as a figure in the Belawan area, as a suspect. He was charged with the use of weapons and assault.

"We apply article 1 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 12 of 1951 subsidiary to article 351 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code. Currently, investigators are coordinating with the Public Prosecutor regarding the case being handled," he concluded.