Easy Ways To Fix Blur Photos Online Using Your Phone

YOGYAKARTA - Taking pictures using smartphones is now an activity that is often done by many people. The reason is, many cellphone cameras have high quality to produce good photos.

However, sometimes users are not satisfied with the resulting photo because there are some parts that are not clear or blurry. In fact, the pose you did was good, and it was difficult to repeat it again.

When you want to use it for uploading on social media, users usually edit it first by downloading a photo editing application. Though, you can fix it easily without having to use an app.

Therefore, this article will explain ways that you can do to fix blurry images easily without installing certain applications, and can be done using a smartphone.

If you are interested in trying it, below the VOI team has summarized the steps you can take to fix blurry or blurry photos without using additional applications on your smartphone.

How to Fix Blur Photos Online

To fix blurry photos that you take using the phone's camera, users can fix them online.

The first step, you can open a browser application that is on your mobile device such as Google Chrome or similar applications.

Next, visit the "bigjpg.com" page or click "bigjpg" in the available search field.

After that, you will go to the main page of the site. Click "Select Image" to enter the blurry photo you want to correct.

Next, you will be given the option to take a photo via the "Camera" option or search for an existing photo with the "Browse" option.

Select the "Browse" option and look for a photo that you already have, but the image is blurry or blurry. Then select the "Start" column.

Next, you can set the image configuration you want, such as the image type, then how much improvement you want and so on.

In the noise menu, users are advised to select the "Highest" option in order to get the best image quality. If you have filled in the fields provided, click "Ok".

You can wait for the image repair process in a few minutes. Once the repair process is complete, a "Download" option will appear which you can choose to have your photos in the latest fixed version.

After that, the image will automatically be saved in your smartphone's storage space.

That's how to fix blurry or blurry photos that you can do easily using your smartphone without having to install a photo editing application.