Uncertain About Cilacap Refinery Fire Due To Lightning Strike, PDIP Asks Pertamina To Immediately Investigate Thoroughly

JAKARTA - For the second time, a fire has occurred in a tank in the Cilacap refinery area owned by PT Pertamina in the last five months. Most recently, a fire hit a tank unit containing Pertalite products at the Cilacap Refinery on Saturday, November 13.

Related to this, the PDIP faction in the DPR asked the Ministry of SOEs and PT Pertamina and other authorities to thoroughly and intensively investigate the causes of refinery fires so that they do not recur in the future.

A member of Commission VII DPR Adian Napitupulu, questioned the actual factors that occurred as the cause of the burning of the oil refinery. He said PDIP was not sure that the reason for the fire came from a lightning strike.

"Thunderbolts can happen at any time. With today's technological capabilities, security should be much better. Seeing that it has happened so many times, is it okay to fix it at all? Because it happened many times, we see that maybe it's not just natural factors, maybe other factors are not open? For example, human error'," said Adian in the PDIP Faction room, Nusantara I Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Monday, 15 November.

Adian also questioned the level of security at each of the refineries owned by PT Pertamina. The reason is, the refinery is one of the vital objects that should be very safe.

"Why are there five levels of security that should be carried out at each of our oil refineries, this oil refinery should be included in the category of vital state objects, yes, the security must be extraordinary. Securing from sabotage, securing from natural disasters and so on. Now if you go back to the question earlier , is it definitely lightning? Not necessarily. Are there other possibilities? It could be, "he said.

"There could be other possibilities, such as human error, who was guarding how much, what was going on at that time? Then maybe there was no sabotage? Yes, maybe. By whom? It could be the oil and gas mafia, it could also be other people who have an interest in causing instability. Why, because Therefore, Adian emphasized that the PDIP faction asked for a thorough investigation so that speculations would not arise in the future and even accuse each other.

"What is being investigated, not only in the field, but also all security equipment, schedules, names, and if necessary checking the background of the names. What is A's background, B's background and so on to avoid speculation. Why, the people need a clear answer, this is not the first incident," said Adian.

The head of the PDIP Faction, Dony Maryadi Oekon, added that his party wanted to monitor and investigate the Cilacap fire until it was finished, in order to find out what really happened.