Persecuted Using Sharp Weapons, Members Of Ormas In Joglo Died Horribly

JAKARTA - Kembangan police chief Kompol Khoiri confirmed that a member of a community organization (ormas) was killed as a result of being hit by a sharp weapon at one of the substations in the Joglo area, Kembangan District, West Jakarta.

The victim's initials DR (27) is a member of a large mass organization in the Joglo area.

"Yes, there is a victim of a mass organization member (died) with a stab wound," said Kompol Khoiri when contacted by VOI, Monday, November 15.

Until now, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kembangan Police is still continuing to investigate the perpetrators of the stabbing, whether from mass organizations or other groups.

"I don't know about (clashes) between mass organizations, because we haven't received a report yet. It's still an investigation," he said.

Currently, the police are still examining a number of witnesses to the incident and looking for other evidence to hunt down the perpetrators.

"The victim is a regional mass organization. As for the perpetrator, I don't know whether it's from a mass organization or not. Currently, it's still being investigated," he said.

After getting injured as a result of the persecution, the victim was taken to the Petukangan area Hospital but was declared dead. The victim was buried at the Joglo TPU, Kembangan.

"As a result of the abuse, the victim received two severe wounds from a sharp weapon. The wound was almost severed in the hand and the wound in the thigh," said the police chief.