Survey: Millennials And Gen Z Prefer To Receive Salaries Using Bitcoin Cs. Instead Of Money

JAKARTA – The results of a survey conducted by deVere, an international consulting firm, revealed that millennials and Gen Z prefer to receive their salaries in crypto.

Data from deVere says about 51 percent of Generation Z (those born 1980 to 1996) and 36 percent of Millennials (born 1997 to 2012) prefer to receive half their salary in Bitcoin or altcoins. This proves that cryptocurrencies are closer to the generation under the age of 40.

The CEO of deVere, Nigel Green explained that the younger generation finds crypto assets more attractive because it is part of the technological developments that have taken place since they were children. In addition, they are also affected by the massive innovations that occur throughout their lives. Therefore they better understand the huge potential of cryptocurrencies for the future.

Green also stated that Millennials and Generation Z prefer to support digital currencies and autonomous decentralized payment networks over traditional financial systems controlled by monetary institutions and governments.

“They clearly believe that crypto is the inevitable future of money,” said Green.

In addition to millennials and Generation Z, another study revealed that 47 percent of these millionaires have invested at least a quarter of their wealth in digital currencies. 30% of them have allocated half of their assets in the market.

Launching Bitcoin News, a separate survey from late September revealed which generation is most likely to deal with bitcoin and alternative coins. Based on the results, millennial investors took the lead because 12 percent of them answered that they had distributed some of their wealth into asset classes. Xennials came in second with 9.2 percent, while Generation X marked 6.3 percent.

Asked if they made a profit on their investment, 76 percent of millennials answered with a “yes.” Interestingly, xennials (aged around 40) took first place in that statistic with 80.5 percent. Generation X – the oldest of the three – is at the bottom with 71.5 percent.

Around 60 percent of all age groups find bitcoin the most preferred cryptocurrency investment asset. Ethereum is second to millennials and Generation X. However, it is the fourth choice for xenials who tend to prefer Bitcoin Cash and Dogecoin.

The results of this survey prove that the younger generation will become the biggest crypto users in the future. It is also possible that they will transact with cryptocurrencies because of the mushrooming adoption of crypto by various world giant companies, including Tesla, which accepts purchases of electric cars with Bitcoin.