Public Policy Observer Urges DPR To Postpone BPK Bill Discussion

JAKARTA - Public Policy Observer Trubus Rahardiansyah hopes that the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia will postpone the discussion on the revision of Law Number 15 of 2006 concerning the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). He considered that the inclusion of the draft Law on the Supreme Audit Agency (RUU BPK) in the 2021 DPR RI Priority Prolegnas should be suspected as part of a scenario to smooth out the extension of the term of office of BPK members who have served twice.

"We have to hold (postpone) this BPK bill first because we are worried that there will be many interests of political groups or parties if it continues, in general the DPR should not be a tool for the interests of certain parties, the preparation of the law must be based on the interests of the wider community," he said. Trubus to the media crew, Sunday, November 14.

Trubus suggested that the DPR RI should prioritize the selection stages for the selection of BPK members who expire in April 2022.

Moreover, Trubus said, the letter dated October 18, 2021 No: 159A/S/I/10/2021 from the BPK regarding the notification of the end of the term of office of the Chairman of the BPK and members of the BPK has entered the DPR RI. So, according to him, the letter must be followed up first.

It is known that the BPK members whose terms of office expire in April 2022 are Agung Firman Sampurna and Isma Yatun.

"The letter has already been entered in the DPR RI, so we must prioritize the stages of selecting BPK members first, so that there is no public suspicion if they insist on revising the BPK Law, besides that according to the rules, the letter from the BPK must be followed up first," he said.

As is known according to Article 5 of the BPK Law, BPK members hold positions for 5 (five) years and thereafter may be re-elected for 1 (one) term of office.