Knowing The Importance Of Giving Less Sugar Milk To Children

Nestlé Indonesia is committed to supporting a healthy and active lifestyle for Indonesian families by providing more delicious and healthy choices for Indonesian families. Welcoming National Health Day, Nestlé MILO launched MILO Less Sugar, the first nutritious chocolate drink in Indonesia with 0 grams of sucrose or no added sugar.

PT Nestlé Indonesia's Business Executive Officer Beverages Business Unit, Mirna Tri Handayani said, “This launch is a tangible manifestation of our goal to use the potential of food to improve the quality of life of every individual, now and for future generations. We hope that this drink can provide an option to help parents in managing their children's daily sugar consumption,” explained Mirna.

Launch of Milo Less Sugar (Zoom Meeting)

Clinical Nutrition Specialist, dr. Putri Sakti, M.Gizi, Sp.GK, AIFOK said, “according to the regulations of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, sugar consumption of more than 50 grams per person per day is at risk of hypertension, stroke, diabetes, and heart attack. Therefore, it is important for parents to regulate their child's sugar intake and nutrition from an early age according to their needs, because an unbalanced diet and excessive sugar consumption will have an impact on the child's future. In addition to sugar and nutrition, parents must also pay attention to their children's physical activity in order to stay balanced, considering that currently limiting activities outside the home is a challenge faced during the pandemic," concluded dr. Daughter.

Launch of Milo Less Sugar (Zoom Meeting)

On the same occasion, Nestlé Indonesia Corporate Nutritionist, Eka Herdiana added, "Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia regarding Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition states that children aged 7-12 years are advised to consume 2 servings of added sugar (20 g/ 2-3 tbsp) per day. . For this reason, it is important for parents to raise awareness and start paying attention to the nutritional information listed on the product, especially the sugar content before buying. The presence of milk without the addition of sugar is one of the healthier and tastier choices for Indonesian families, because it has nutrients from malt (barley) extract, milk and cocoa powder to help meet daily nutritional needs in supporting activities. A glass of low-sugar milk also contains protein that helps build, and repair body tissues, as well as a source of fiber.”

Mother and actress, Zee Zee Shahab said, “Maintaining a balanced intake of sugar and children's nutrition in carrying out their daily activities is not easy; Worry always comes if the intake given is less or excessive. The selection of less sugar products is one of the important things for parents to pay attention to in regulating their child's intake, especially during the pandemic. I also often invite children to always move actively by doing sports that they like, even if only at home. On this National Health Day, I invite parents to join us in taking care of the family, starting with providing balanced nutrition and teaching children to love sports from an early age.”

In addition to presenting product innovations, the company that has been operating for 150 years also encourages a healthy and active lifestyle by presenting various programs such as online nutrition classes such as the WhatsApp Lecture (KULWAP) and has reached more than 30 million Indonesian children through active movements. "In addition to paying attention to proper nutrition for children, it is important for parents to encourage children to stay active through sports as a means of stimulation so that children can reach their best potential," concluded Mirna.