Vehicle Emission Test Ticket Postponed, The Reason Is The Facilities Are Not Ready

JAKARTA - The enforcement of vehicle gas emission tests with an official ticket has been postponed. The reason is that supporting facilities such as gas emission testing sites are not yet ready.

"There are several reasons, the place for emission tests is not adequate compared to the number of vehicles that have to test emissions in Jakarta," said Director of Traffic and Traffic of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to reporters, Friday, November 12.

Based on the results of the coordination, if the enforcement of emission test policy violations is implemented, hundreds of testing workshops for four-wheeled vehicles must be available. Meanwhile, for motorcycles, 1,400 testing workshops are needed.

"It takes 500 emission test workshops for 4-wheelers, and 1,400 emission tests for 2-wheelers to be able to cover vehicles throughout Jakarta that are 3 years old. Of which there are around 4.5 million 4-wheeled vehicles and over, and 14 million motorcycles." "said Sambodo.

In addition, Sambodo also mentioned the percentage of vehicles that have carried out gas emission tests. For motorcycles the number is under one percent.

"So the data is only 300 thousand from 4.5 million (vehicles) which means only 7.6 percent. Now for motorcycles, the results of the meeting showed 17 thousand out of 14 million or only 0.16 percent," said Sambodo

The DKI Provincial Government and Polda Metro Jaya previously decided to postpone the ticketing for vehicles that did not pass the emission test in Jakarta, which should have started on November 13.

Head of the Environment Agency Asep Kuswanto estimates the fines will take effect in January 2022.

"So (the emission test ticket) will be postponed. The delay will be until when, hopefully it will arrive in early January next year," said Asep