Mount Merapi Today: Launches Four 2,000 Meters Of Lava Falls

YOGYAKARTA - The Center for Research and Development of Geological Disaster Technology (BPPTKG), said Mount Merapi on the border of the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java released lava flows as far as 2,000 meters on Friday, November 12.

The incandescent lava slides with a maximum distance of 2,000 to the southwest from 00.00 to 06.00 WIB.

According to the Head of BPPTKG, Hanik Humaida, during the observation period, Merapi also experienced 44 avalanches with an amplitude of 3-20 mm for 16-136 seconds, six earthquake gusts with an amplitude of 3-4 mm for 16-30 seconds, and two phase earthquakes. many with an amplitude of 3 mm for 9-11 seconds.

In addition, there was also one local tectonic earthquake with an amplitude of 4 mm for 40 seconds, and one distant tectonic earthquake with an amplitude of 5 mm for 102 seconds.

On Friday morning, white smoke was also observed coming out of Mount Merapi with a thick intensity as high as 200-400 meters above the peak.

Meanwhile, during the observation period on Thursday, November 11 at 18.00-24.00 WIB, Mount Merapi was recorded 15 times launching incandescent lava with a maximum sliding distance of 2,000 meters to the southwest.

BPPTKG still maintains the status of Mount Merapi at Level III or Standby.

The lava fall and hot clouds of Merapi are estimated to have an impact on the south-southwest sector, which includes the Yellow, Boyong, Bedog, Krasak, Bebeng, and Putih rivers.

In the event of an eruption, the ejection of volcanic material from Mount Merapi can reach a radius of three km from the top of the mountain.